Support for Siblings of People with Disabilities

Support for Siblings of People with Disabilities


Sibling Resources

Massachusetts Sibling Support Network(MSSN)

Comprised of adult siblings, parents of young siblings, sibling service providers, and mental health professionals.  The goals of MSSN are threefold: to educate the community about issues faced by siblings of people with disabilities; to create welcoming communities for siblings of all ages within Massachusetts; and to improve the range and availability of services for siblings across the lifespan. Those interested in sibling issues are welcome to join MSSN. The MSSN has a resource page online that lists sibling support groups across the state.
Email: [email protected]


Sibling Support Project 

National effort dedicated to the lifelong concerns of brothers and sisters of people who have special health and developmental needs by increasing the availability of peer support and education programs. This is accomplished by training local service providers on how to create community-based peer support programs for young siblings; hosting workshops, listservs, and websites for young and adult siblings; and increasing parents’ and providers’ awareness of siblings’ unique, lifelong, and ever-changing concerns through workshops, websites, and written materials.
The Sibling Support Project is a Kindering Program.
16120 NE 8th Street
Bellevue, WA 98008
Phone: 425-362-6421
Email: [email protected]



Offers recreational support groups called Sibshops for  children and adolescents.

Find a local sibshop



For adult siblings of people who have disabilities. SibNet is a “closed” group. Only adult siblings of people with special needs may be members.


Sibling Stories Blog 

Siblings share their stories and experiences.


Supporting Siblings of Children with Mental Health Needs (pdf) 

This informational parental guide was written by Emily Rubin, and published by the Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Network.
For additional information contact Emily Rubin, Director of Sibling Support, Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center.
Phone: 774-455-6537
Email: [email protected]


Local Chapters of The Arc

Local chapters of The Arc offer programming for siblings across the lifespan.  Contact your local chapter to find out if they offer sibling support groups.

To locate  your local Arc


Sibling Leadership Network 

The mission of the Sibling Leadership Network is to provide siblings of individuals with disabilities the information, support and tools to advocate with their brothers and sisters and to promote the issues important to them and their entire families.



Siblings: Brothers and Sisters of Children with Special Needs by Kate Strohm

Siblings Without Rivalry by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

Sibshops: Workshops for Siblings of Children with Special Needs by Don Meyer, M.Ed,
& Patricia Vadasy, PhD.

Thicker than Water: Essays by Adult Siblings of People with Disabilities by Don Meyer (Editor)

Turbo Max: A Story for Siblings of Bipolar Children by Tracy Anglada

Views From Our Shoes: Growing up with a Brother or Sister with Special Needs by Don Meyer (Editor)

What About Me? Growing Up with a Developmentally Disabled Sibling by Bryna Siegel and Stuart Silverstein

For additional books about sibs and families, visit the


Fact Sheet last updated on: 10/1/2022


Disclaimer: INDEX is pleased to provide you this information. Please note,  this information is not comprehensive, nor is it intended to take the place of professional advice. We encourage you to check other resources of such information. No endorsement by the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School,,  INDEX, or affiliates, should be inferred. We reserve the right to remove, to modify, or to add any information at any time, for any reason, and without notice.

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