Judy K Weinstock, M.D.

Judy K Weinstock, M.D.

Record last updated 2023/11/28 Comment on this info .Update this info

Contact Information

Weinstock, Judy K, M.D.
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone: 978-245-7440

Danvers, MA Area Served: Northeast
Map Location Weinstock, Judy K, M.D.


As a physician who has worked with elders in hospitals and care facilities for over 15 years, over and over again I have seen how serious medical crises impact the whole family.

As a daughter, I learned the pain and frustration of caring for a loved one with a severe health issue. I started a medical practice to be an advocate for families who don’t know where to turn.

I am the doctor that comes to your home to lessen your stress when your loved one and you need answers. I am the doctor who acts as a bridge and interpreter, reviews treatment options and explains the differences, attends  doctor appointments, and helps navigate today’s complex healthcare system.

Families need guidance, direction and empathy through difficult medical crises and I provide just that.

Able to serve clients in their wheelchair , Services at Home 19 – 22, 23 – 59, 60 + Danvers [email protected] 978-245-7440 58658 Circle Advocacy 3) Northeast ,Family Doctor (Family Practitioner), M.D. https://circleadvocacy.com/ Personal Funds Intellectual Disabilities, Physical Disabilities M.D.


  • Family Doctor (Family Practitioner)

Populations Served

  • Intellectual Disabilities
  • Physical Disabilities

Ages Served

  • 19 - 22
  • 23 – 59
  • 60 +

Accessibility Features

  • Able to serve clients in their wheelchair
  • Services at Home

Additional Information

  • Fees: Personal Funds
Judy K Weinstock, M.D.
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