National Multiple Sclerosis Society Library & Education Programs

The MS Society offer several publications to help support people with MS and their families. Call 800-344-4867 for information.

Link to Library & Education Programs

Areas include:

  • Ask an MS Expert Webinar Series
  • Webinar Series
  • Momentum Magazine
  • Educational Videos
  • Knowledge Is Power
  • Pathways to Wellness in MS
  • Live Fully, Live Well
  • Everyday Matters
  • Free From Falls
  • Relationship Matters
  • Resilience: Addressing the Challenges of MS
  • Webcasts
  • DVDs
  • Books
  • For Kids: Keep S’myelin
  • Información en Español
  • Brochures

In support of our mission, we provide access to accurate, current, and comprehensive information to people with MS and those who care about them.

Fact Sheet last updated on: 9/8/2022

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